HE GAVE IT TO THE (Faith Clinic) Excerpt from Lifeskills I $Donation: Cash App: $ApostleJeanMorrisMin Cash App

Welcome To AJM College of the Bible The Apostle + Statement of Faith AJMCB Curriculum THE JUBILATOR-A Word For Your Day(Devotional) US Then&Now (Photos) IGAPNETWORK,   The MENTOR'S Notes I  The MENTOR'S Notes II GOSPEL OF LUKE AUDIO TEACHINGS The GOSPEL OF LUKE WITH COMMENTARY Daniel Study Prep FAITH CLINIC I VICTORY-PLUS

 Faith defined has three aspects of manifestation.  There is measured faith, the fruit of faith and the gift of faith.  All of these require movement in a positive direction.  All of these can come by hearing, which is the requirement for the faith which is an impartation of the celestial.  Howbeit, FAITH can move mountains be they allegory or terrestrial.  Faith can bring about miracles of all types.   The measure of faith is given to all born on the face of the earth.  Faith causes response.  When anything is believed it causes an individual to have physical activity.  Something is accomplished when faith is used.  Even when the baby believes there is milk with the mother it sucks in expectation of receiving satisfaction.  That is faith.  IT is inborn.  The type of faith that produces millionaires is a measure of faith.  To make a million dollars is faith activating ideas.  A measure of faith, the ingredient for terrestrial glory is a high point of an acquirement.  Sometimes that faith has come through hearing.   


When a person is born of the Holy Spirit, they receive FAITH, the fruit of Spirit that insures eternal life.  “Without faith it is impossible to please God…” All hears of the Word of God must exercise faith in what they hear.  In addition faith in the preacher of teacher is needed.  Hearers must have an ear to hear the messenger.  Without the combination of the two spiritual abortion or miscarriage can take place.  Seeds can be sown, but the incubator of the seed is combined faith in the person sowing the seed and the seed.  There have been so many people lost and vision aborted or miscarriage because they did not possess the proper conduit for their faith.


 The gift of faith is somewhat different. The gift is a supernatural transfer of a mindset from the Holy Spirit.  Gift is not dependent on hearing or forethought.  FAITH is present for whatever it is needed for.  Sometimes, the gift of faith will bring a healing.  Another time it will bring finance or something else tangible.  Next, the gift of faith will cause God’s creation to respond.  When Joshua needed more time he spoke to the sun.  The sun stood still.  That was the gift of faith. Usually the spoken word which brings the supernatural results is a manifestation of the gift of faith. Men and women of God have displayed the manifestation of this gift to the glory of God.  It is noteworthy to say, the earth had been blessed by those having prevailed displayed such faith.  


IT is the substance of anything hoped for and the evidence of THINGS not seen.  “For by IT, the elders obtained a good report.”   What will your report be?  What is God saying about your vision now?  Are you well on the way?  Have you just started?  Is the vision going to another level?  For all of these it takes FAITH.  A reminder is, “Faith without works is dead being alone.”  There is much work needed to bring about any assignment.The following testimonies may help you. In all that will be said I give God the glory.  First, at about one year saved, the Holy Spirit spoke, I was challenged to choose the wisdom of God rather than the wisdom of the world at that time.  I was in college.  My plans were to go on.  The Holy Spirit spoke to me not to go on and to give my self to HIM.  At that time it was devastating to my family.  They began to mock my salvation.  They said it was not God.  Living with them at that time was so difficult.  But God gave me grace.  I obeyed the leading of the Holy Spirit.  I began to study the word of God and then the next command came.   I went back to a job that I had at Spiegel’s Catalog Company.  I had worked there for a while.  Even though I knew down within me that the Holy Spirit was leading in another way, I applied again.  When I took the test, I could not past it.  My heart sunk as I walked down 35th St toward Halsted in Chicago, Illinois.  The Holy Spirit spoke; didn’t I tell you to trust me?  I knew then I had to obey HIM. 


Working on a job at that time was not for me.A FAITH WALK WAS BEGUN. I went home and started again to seek the Lord.   The Holy Spirit spoke again, the next move.  As Abraham, “Leave your father’s house…Go to a land that I will show you…”  But, where was that going to be?  I did not know.  Faith has its way of causing us to have divine connections.  When we walk toward God in the Spirit and move in the direction that He has commanded, He always comes through with a person that can take us to the next level.  That person becomes a key.  Yes, there are human keys.  My key was Dorothy Hood and her family.   


I had met her at the end of her twenty one day fast.  I never suspected that this prophetess would be my key to many truths in the scriptures and in the deeper things of God.  After some time of fellowship, when the Holy Spirit spoke to leave my father’s house, I went to her.  Her mother and two children and Mother Hood (Donald) as she is now known took me in.  She told me, I was not to pay any rent while I was there.  Neither of us knew that it would be about six or seven years later that I would move out. During those years it was intense study and much prayer and fasting. This took time.  God wanted investment of time into the future assignment for the vessel He had plucked out of the mire.  He wanted a fully surrendered vessel.  His priority was to be the choice of the broken vessel.  His love was to be the fulfillment of the washed vessel.  HE was to be the person to whom the vessel was to rely on for all things.  HE wanted total glory for anything and all things pertaining to the vessels wellbeing.  Total possession was HIS motive.  AND HE GOT WHAT HE WANTED.


 Years have been spent in prayer daily.  By doing so, there has always been a place provided for the vessel.  As described, with others then with another; later with others in homes supernaturally provided for.  Each provision has been a series of miracles.  Even when it was with others miracles were a part of the sustaining factors.  Money was provided from a well-wisher. This was for evangelizing. It was put at my disposal through a bank account. Many dollars have been given by partners of the ministry.   The first car costs $35.  Whenever an assignment was to go on the field, money came.  It was given by people who had seen God move.  The Lord provided each time.  The ministry of evangelism took us too many cities in the United States.


We have ministered for the glory of God and for the furthering of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit would give a city to minister in.  The announcement to some would be made.  The Lord wants ministry in such or such city.  The giving would begin.  By faith services were held across the country. One of which was New York, New York. This was totally by faith.  The Holy Spirit spoke, go to New York.  The response was, “I do not know anyone in New York.  Days passed.  In a fellowship service with the pastor, a man announced, he was from New York.  After the service he was told, “The Lord wants me to come to New York.  He said, “Come on then.”  He gave his information.  Faith moved.  Some saints were told of the assignment.  Money came.  The trip to New York was made. After getting there and connecting with the pastor and his wife, in the Sunday service, the question came, “how long will you be here?”  The Holy Spirit had said leave on Saturday. The pastor responded you will run a revival.  The direction of the Holy Spirit had been fulfilled and revival came in New York in a C.O.G.I.C., under the pastorate of Elder White who has long ago went to be with the Lord.  Praise God for His victories. 


THE JUBILEE TABERNACLE (HIS TABERNACLE TENT MINISTRY) One person bought the first tent. But, how was the tent and all of the equipment to be transported?  That took another miracle.  I remember the details: a date was set and a service was scheduled for a city in the south.  A van for transportation was God’s next miracle.  A van was chosen at the new car dealer.  When asked how much was going to be put down, the answer was 0, nothing.  Of course the salesman thought there was some insanity involved here.  But nevertheless, the same answer was repeated each time regarding the question, how much was going to be put down? There is a blessing waiting on every person, in ministry or just a believer who has the faith to hold on to your miracle.  The details are not remembered, but it is a definite fact, the van was driven out of the car dealership, with no money down.  Next, how was it going to be paid for?  God performed HIS word.  “I will pour you out a blessing that you will not have room to receive”.   


The school, The Institute for Scholastic Achievement, which was a slight detour from full time ministry, was God’s blessing. It was the fulfillment of Apostle R.L. Mitchell’s vision of many years before the location of 7201 S. Jeffery.  God blessed. The enrollment for Little People’s College, the daycare which the permitted will of God brought to an overcapacity. Transportation was needed.  The van served as the school bus for children taken to and from Harvey, IL. Transportation costs from the parents paid the monthly van payment and beyond.  Praise God for Him doing exceeding and abundantly above what we can ask or think.  


 Partners of the local assembly and others gave for the radio broadcasts The Jubilee Hour.  Later, by divine supply the television ministry has lasted locally going into two decades.  A world wide radio broadcast has been raised by the Holy Spirit’s leading.The Jubilee Hour radio broadcasts were on local WOJO.  Later, we expanded to Flint, Michigan, and Pine bluff, Arkansas.  The Midwest was covered by The Jubilee Hour with Evangelist Jean Morris, Host.  God moved through the Word of God.  The Spirit of Holiness was the sound.  Under the leadership of Apostle R.L. Mitchell, my pastor at that time the Holy Ghost anointed this vessel to ‘Cry aloud and spare not.”  The gospel was preached.  More will be shared about The Jubilee Hour later. 


After about 30 years of tent ministry the first tent was well worn.  The Holy Spirit spoke to get another tent.  At that time I was into sixty years of life.  I spoke; I do not feel like getting another tent.  I did not want to go deeper into the tent ministry.  In my eyes it was time for retirement.  However, the Holy Spirit kept pressing me, “Get the tent”.  Then in obedience fund raising was started for the tent.  One was chosen.  A service was announced for that purpose.  One person responded with One Thousand dollars; others hundreds.  I too had to sacrifice.  I gave about One Thousand toward the purchase of the next tent.  Yet in myself I was still thinking I am too old to do this. The tent was ordered and paid for. It came about two or three days before the scheduled meeting which was to be in Earle, Arkansas.  After arriving in Earle and getting to the tent site, the tent was rolled out by the crew.  When I put my hands on the tent heaven is my witness, it was like the years rolled back.  The zeal returned for the tent ministry and for the streets.  I WAS MADE ANOTHER PERSON AGAIN.  AND I HAVE NOT LOST THAT ZEAL.  TENT SERVICES ARE STILL GOING ON AND STREET CRUSADES.  GOD WORKED A MIRACLE OF RESTORING THE YEARS.  HE IS STILL DOING IT. 


Souls are saved; bodies are healed; demons are cast out; Many kinds of deliverances have been wrought as the Holy Spirit reveals needs and the power of God prevails for the glorious impartation of virtue or wisdom or whatever is needed for the believer.  Supernaturally, there are even miracles in the elements to bring glory to the Father as the faith of Jesus Christ is exercised in now, the ministry of the APOSTLESHIP. Remembering one miracle of many in the elements, a tent meeting was scheduled for the west side of Chicago, Illinois.  One of sponsors of the tent desired a tent service.  The tent was erected.  Then it happened.  A storm was in the forecast.  Fasting and prayer had already been done in preparation for the services.  However, while hearing the forecast the Holy Spirit spoke, if you want this meeting you will have to go further into sacrifice.  My mind went to what had already been done, but the meeting had to go on.  God gave grace.  Fasting was continued into the day that the storm was to come.  The tent had already suffered from another storm; now this.  On the south side of the city rain came, winds blew.  But, when we got to the tent IT WAS UP.  No damage, we had service that night.  In that meeting the Holy Spirit showed again, obedience must be connected with faith.  Faith to obey and stand in the gap against the storm, the miracle of deliverance in the elements was wrought.  Many times this has been the need; for our ministry and for the needs of others.  To prevail has been the assignment and God has been glorified. Now FAITH is when IT is to bring glory to God.  God has been glorified in the divine supply of even our residence. 


55 w. 103RD our house after moving out of an apartment, was miraculously rehabbed.  First to purchase the house was a miracle. I was on a 50 day consecration.  During that time I met a preacher who was a contractor.  Prayer was made for a new residence.  In the paper there appeared a V.A. house.  I looked at it and liked it. The down payment was higher than I had.  It was brought down without my request.   To rehab it, God sent a person who wanted to do some volunteer work to get his business going.  Along with his church members that was done.  First, a furnace was supplied by a friend who was met during that 50 day consecration who also did cosmetics so that we could move in.  God is so good! When God saw that we needed another heating system, without my call, CEDA called me, do you want CEDA?  My answer was yes I guess so.  They came out.  A supervisor came, which was unusual.  They said, well I do not know.  My respond was I don’t know either.  They wanted to put ducts in the house put there was no room for them between the walls.  Later, the next thing I knew, a crew came. Ducts were put in, a new furnace, a new water heater all for free.  GOD IS GOOD! It must be noted that this first house was made into a mission, Bethesda House.  For years it served as a shelter and a mission as well as our residence.  Bethesda House was the place which serviced the needy.  We provided shelter for emergency housing, free food for the hungry, and bible study, seminars, prayers and yes the tent went up in the back yard.  We folded it and made it fit. 


Bethesda House, 55 W. 103rd St., Chicago, Illinois, was in the middle of GD territory.  In fact the house was once a GD house.  They tried to reclaim it by causing fear.  But, the Holy Spirit prevailed.  God assigned angels to protect us.  We saw their glory shine down on us in a time when fear tried to overcome us.  Then we knew WE DID NOT HAVE TO BE AFRAID.  But, the thought came, does it take three angels?  God knew where we were.   During that time a man came in uninvited.  He broke in through the basement which   was thought to be secured but was not.  About midnight, He stood in the bedroom door with a mask on.  A loud call was made to Jesus, and the question to the man, what are you doing in here?  He ran out and just took a ladder.  Oh the protection of the Lord was with us.  The children did not wake up.  Nothing of any value was taken.  There was a fur coat, computers and other valuables.  But, again God provided protection.  THANK GOD!  Oh yes, and the man did not touch me, who might have raped me, but again, THANK GOD! The GD’s persisted in trying to get us out. 


But, the Holy Spirit ordered tent revivals, street meetings, and the saints came.  They prayed, preached, witnessed, all of which worked for the good of that street and place.  The GD’s were moved out.  Their people next door were moved out.  The stores that sold drugs were closed.  God worked a miracle of deliverance for that area.  TO GOD IS THE GLORY! Plus, God signed HIS name on Bethesda House.  A saint, who needed a miracle in her walking, came on crutches.  GOD HEALED HER.  SHE OR SOMEONE ELSE CARRIED THE CRUTCHES OUT.  SHE WALKED OUT OF BETHESDA HOUSE WITHOUT THEM. We give God all of the glory for the things HE has done. 


 When it was time for an upgrade, God miraculously met our need.  I will not go into all of the details, but, God gave us a $10,000.00 miracle.  He DID IT FOR HIS GLORY!  Others must know God will provide. There have been times of tests while living in our present home.  The Lord has never failed.  We are here with the lights on, water and all other utilities.  God has provided.  Note there have been saints who have given to this ministry that have sustained us.  We thank God.  


 Faith defined has three aspects of manifestation.  There is measured faith, the fruit of faith and the gift of faith.  All of these require movement in a positive direction.  All of these can come by hearing, which is the requirement for the faith which is an impartation of the celestial.  Howbeit, FAITH can move mountains be they allegory or terrestrial.  Faith can bring about miracles of all types.   The measure of faith is given to all born on the face of the earth.  Faith causes response.  When anything is believed it causes an individual to have physical activity.  Something is accomplished when faith is used.  Even when the baby believes there is milk with the mother it sucks in expectation of receiving satisfaction.  That is faith.  IT is inborn.  The type of faith that produces millionaires is a measure of faith.  To make a million dollars is faith activating ideas.  A measure of faith, the ingredient for terrestrial glory is a high point of acquirement.  Sometimes that faith has come through hearing.   When a person is born of the Holy Spirit, they receive FAITH, the fruit of the Holy Spirit that insures eternal life.  “Without faith it is impossible to please God…”


All hears of the Word of God must exercise faith in what they hear.  In addition faith in the preacher or teacher is needed.  Hearers must have an ear to hear the messenger.  Without the combination of the two spiritual abortion or miscarriage can take place.  Seeds can be sown, but the incubator of the seed is combined faith in the person sowing the seed and the seed.  There have been so many people lost and vision aborted or miscarriage because they did not possess the proper conduit for their faith.  The scriptures declare:  “In the last days some shall depart from the FAITH, giving heed to doctrines of devils…” Then we are admonished to “Contend for the FAITH which was once delivered unto the saints”.  There is a faith that includes the healing and maintenance of physical health for the human body.  That faith is seemingly history among God’s people.  This is not to say that doctors are not needed when you have faith.  There is a time that a physician should be consulted.  Teeth need to be pulled and replaced.  Eyes need assistance to see.  Broken limbs need the attention of physicians.  Jobs have to have prerequisites fulfilled such as physicals to get the job.  Children need their shots to stay within the law.  However, there is a time that FAITH is the formula for the day. This is the same faith that Jesus spoke of in HIS ministry.  “According to your FAITH SO BE IT UNTO YOU” That measure of faith again is seemingly lost. 


But, revival is at hand and even now.  An apostle of God is carrying the healing message and the power of miracles across the globe.  This helps the faith of people to know that God is still the healer that HE was in the ministry of Jesus Christ on earth. Remembering the scripture, ‘FAITH COMETH BY HEARING AND HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD” What is it then, Faith must be lived first, then taught.  There is a spoken word of Faith that has no boundaries’ to what it believes for.  As the Holy Spirit would say:  ‘HAVE FAITH IN GOD, YOU CAN HAVE WHAT YOU SAY IF YOU DOUBT NOT IN YOUR HEART’.  Rightly dividing:  Then believing according to the will of God, “If we ask anything according to HIS will his heareth us”.  HEALING IS THE CHILDREN’S BREAD.  HEALING WAS INCLUDED IN THE PROMISE: “BY HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED”.  Therefore, to believe for physical healing is according to the word and will of God. That faith requires focus.  Believing is built on the Word of God and right standing with God and wisdom.  Wisdom is maintenance insurance. GOD IS SO GOOD AND STANDS BY HIS WORD.  I AM A WITNESS. In 1972 I had begun to depend on medicine again along with the doctor for my physical wellbeing.  I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit say. “I can not use you like this”.  I took medicine that I had gotten from the doctor and threw it away.  From that time until this time I have not taken any medication for any purpose.  Now there have been times that the doctor would have been the source of relieve and a cure but, the Lord did not suffer me to go. 


 In Flint, Michigan during a tent service having a cold and getting chilled, I contracted pneumonia.  I was told this by a nurse who was attending our services in Flint.  About the Wednesday of the meeting I could not breathe.  I was sick unto death.  Someone else came to take over the meeting.  By Thursday night, I was in such pain, I told God either healed me or take me.  Later, I began to cough.  Green lumps of cold came up.  God healed me of pneumonia.  Strange as it seems no one said go to the doctor or hospital.  It did not even come to me to do so.  I knew I was in the hands of God.  HE DID IT.    Remembering before, I had suffered an attack of the same type which was frightening to those I was living with at that time.  But, then no one said go to the hospital or even the doctor.  But, again I was delivered.   


Foolishness sometimes dwells with believers.  There are times wisdom is not used.  One such times was when out of a foolish decision, believe it or not I pushed a car alone.  Since it was small I felt like I could handle it.  When the car was pushed then pain struck my body.  I could hardly make it into the house.  Pain was a sign of serious female problems and extreme hemorrhoids.  I repented of course for my foolishness.  The Lord was sought.  Pain was in the lower part of my body. The Lord did not heal me right away.  There are sometimes that since wisdom was violated, God does not act swiftly.  But, the doctor was not sought.  I sought God.  What was I to do about the pain connected with bowel movements?  A word of wisdom came.  Do not eat meat.  That softened the bowels.  Healing came just through the change in diet.  But, there was the other problem. Later, I had been invited to speak in one of the suburbs of Chicago.  My thought was, Lord what am I going to do?  But, I felt to accept the invitation and go.  While I was sitting waiting to be called on to speak, my talk with the Lord was, “Lord you know I am in pain when I stand a long time.” But, praises be unto God, when I got up to speak the pain left and so did the condition.  God is faithful. Of course you know in over thirty years of life many needs of healing have come.  God has always been faithful. 


Too, there is another key.  WISDOM HAS BEEN RECEIVED TRHOUGH STUDY OF HOW TO EAT FOR HEALTH.  WISDOM HAS BEEN FOLLOWED AS THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS WARNED AND INSTRUCTED OF HOW TO EAT FOR MAINTENANCE OF GOOD HEALTH.  WISDOM AND STUDY HAS WORKED.  GOD IS GREAT! Testimonies help us.  We overcome by the word of our testimony.  Another such type is when I fell down steps at Bethesda House.  On my way to a mission in Arkansas, in a hurry I probably missed a step. However it was I fell and did something to my foot.  I could not walk.  My going was cancelled.  When I called they asked, “Are you on crutches, I said no” A fellow pastor told me to soak it and wrap it.  One day while soaking it something snapped inside my foot.  I was healed.  GOD IS GOOD!!!!



 Erroneous decisions sometimes cause problems.  Accidents happen when we do not make the right decision.  That was my case.  Again, while at the mission one night in stead of getting up to close a window, I reached back.  The old wooden, heavy window fell on my little finger.  I could not get it out.  My thought was I know it must be broken. Later, I was able to manipulate my hand from under the window freeing my finger.  I remembered a revelation given by a man of God.  The mother cells in the blood system rush to a place in our body when there is a problem area.  I began to stroke my arm to cause the blood to go down to my hand.  The pain did not ease then.  The thought came to me; most people would go to the hospital.  Then thinking I probably would be awake the rest of the night because of the pain, I began to pray.  Next thing I know I was waking up.  I looked at my finger and began to try to move it.  It did respond and movement was free.  Where the window hit the finger it was dark.  The finger nail was broken and the pain was almost gone.  I knew God had worked a miracle.   Another thought came; I must have divine health in my body because the finger was not broken.  Praise God for His unspeakable deliverance.  Kept the finger taped until the nail grew out to keep it from nagging on things.  Thank God for His healing power. 


Then there is healing in the human body itself.  God made us to have a certain amount of cures within.  The blood working with the brain supplies certain things to cause healing.  Cuts, bruises and even wounds have healing. The tissue grows back.  The skin merges.  The blood circulates through it all most times automatically.  God set it all in order during the creation.  Thank God for his unspeakable mercy and wisdom.  Then when we have eaten properly there are nutrients’ that help healing.  That too is a must for natural healing. That brings to mind another time of physical suffering. 


While I was in deep supplication at times the spirit of intercession would come so great upon me that great perspiration would occur.  My clothes would be very wet.  This would not be while preaching but, just from yielding to the spirit of intercession.  The Holy Ghost would take over my body there I would be, wet.  Because of that, going out sometimes into the cold not properly dressed and wet, I began to contract bronchitis which wet into pneumonia at one time.  But, God brought change.  The bronchitis stopped.  Too, as a child I suffered with hay fever.  This too left.  How?  The Holy Ghost ordered change in my diet.  For years I did not eat white sugar or hardly any salt.  Too, meat became a part of sacrifice.  Other things were added such as honey and many vegetables; seeds and nuts; wheat germ was given by the Holy Ghost.  Then because of the Holy Spirit a great length of fasting was included for the purpose of standing in the gap.  This all led to better health. What is said here is that food habits and good health go together.  Cures associated with food many times work.  All vegetables and spices are herbs.  General food stores can serve you as well as health food stores. But, at times there is need of research or finding out from a natural pathologist just what is needed for a certain condition. Remember, in the Garden of Eden it is not recorded any sickness nor soon after.  People just got old and died. 


Genesis    gave us another key along with Revelations;  leaves on trees for the healing of nations.  Trees with twelve manners of fruit for the nations.  God’s original plan for man will return to earth.  But, remember meat is for the belly.  If you want some help yourself.  Just remember to be obedient to the scripture.  Be temperate in all things. So, as I have eaten in obedience to wisdom and followed the leading of the Holy Spirit in taking vitamins, good ones, God has kept me and my family in good health.  When obeying the law of the land and having to take my children to the doctor, at one time I was rebuked.  “You don’t bring your children to the doctor?  They should at least come once a year.”  My response was they have not been sick.  Thank God for His divine covering for even our families. As this is written, about 38 years have passed without my taking medicine.  God is able to do all things according to our faith.  But, remember, faith without works is dead.  We must work at staying healthy by obeying wisdom.  Wisdom is the principle thing in the life of faith for health and healing.  Wisdom includes right eating and right schedules to include exercise and rest.  Mental health includes resting the mind and delegating things to as many as possible to avert overload.  The mind must be kept in good health also.  Too, our emotions as a part of our spiritual lives need proper food.  Do not go to long without your soul food.  That is, we need to eat from the table of the Holy Ghost served by a man or woman of God, full according to our place in God. 


Than we drink of the Holy Spirit as we praise and worship God.  Joy sends depression and anxiety on their way away from us.  Then we can have wholeness. Speaking of wholeness, in the year of 2008 the Holy Ghost spoke,“Be thou made whole”.  He was up to something.  That year growth was great in God.  Ministries were enhanced and even birthed.  The Holy Spirit rushed toward the end of that year and announced at the end to my spirit A NETWORK.  That meant, get up and get it going.  Start A NETWORK.  Well we are here in Jesus’ name.  The International Gathering of Apostles and Prophets NETWORK, INC.  Through others God gave us a word and brought it to past.  HE GAVE US A THRUST.  They came from nations to become a part of our international work in the earth.  God is great and greatly to be praised for HIS UNSPEAKABLE WISDOM.  In the spirit we are one.  Thank God!Continuing with testimony:  Aged men are not always wise… That is a fact.  Because a person is aged that does not mean they always use wisdom.  I am a witness.  In about 2009 I was taking vitamins.  Since there are many days I do not eat, I felt that the vitamins would help to sustain my strength.  They will when taken properly.  However, during this time there was a mistake made.  The vitamins were taken without enough water to dissolve them properly for disbursement into my blood stream.  This is what happened. Unknowingly and without proper watching of water intake, I noticed that I could not walk properly.  I had pain in different parts of my body.  Then as time went on I had to push myself out of the bed and press to straighten up.  Again, pain was in different parts of my body and I could hardly walk without pain.  My question was what was wrong?  Doing some self analyzing I thought about the vitamins.  So I decided to get off of all and start a heavy water diet.  I drank much water.  Then it happened. Poison came out of my body.  Dark brown poison in the urine came out.  It was from the vitamins.  I was able to walk better.  I stayed on the water until my urine cleared.  That was a lesson.   Vitamins are good. But, they must be taken properly.  Surely you know by now there has been a change.  I watch how and when I take the vitamins.  I admonish you to do the same.  Then remember, wisdom must accompany faith.  God is a God of wisdom.  He will not violate His own law regarding wisdom.  Even though He honors faith but, wisdom is a part of HIS law for man.  “Wisdom is the principle thing.”  “Get knowledge, get wisdom….”  Then when having been warned to obey wisdom, God does not go over that.  Warnings are a sign.  Great men and women have been warned.  But, though warned they did not obey.  It may have been because of who warned them.  That can trip a person.   Respect of persons can mess you up.  Remember, “There was a poor man whose wisdom saved a city.  That still happens. 


Faith and wisdom must meet.  The walk of faith must have the ingredient of wisdom for faith to keep its zenith and get its goal. Without obedience to wisdom faith can turn to foolishness.  Then the faith that would help hurts and even causes untimely death. Can that be called faith?  No when wisdom is ignored then so-called faith is actually stubbornness. He Gave IT to them, VISION does your vision seem dead?(An excerpt taken from main study guide by author.) Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life…”  (KJV)   “Though it tarry wait for it.” Time passes and nothing happens.  Seeming the words that were heard were of yourself or it was another spirit.  What happen?  Who or what spoke?  Such joy was at the onset of the vision.  Many plans come into our minds when a vision is presented or we have one.  Who is responsible to see to it that it comes to pass?  Now after sometimes years, it looks like it will not happen.   Lazarus, the seed of a woman full grown had lived a prosperous like.  He and his two sisters had developed a relationship with the most powerful man ever known to live.  “Never a man spake like this man.”   No other prophet had done what HE did.  HE opened the blind eyes.  Lazarus was one of HIS close friends.  But, Lazarus died.   Mary said, Master, If you had been here we know that our brother would have not died.” Sometimes it may seem as though Jesus is too late.  But, is HE?  It could be a setup.  God may have another plan to glorify Him and let us be in on the goodies.  Yes, the goodies are those things which have been prepared for those who wait on the Lord.  A great man of God, a chief Apostle once said, “There is no time lost when you wait on God.”  Therefore, waiting can be rewarding in a way that is hidden.  But, waiting in the will of God, keeping the faith,  watching thereunto,  praying always in prayer and supplication, standing in the gap for the vision,  though it tarry, it will come to pass as long as it is the will of God. Remember, there are things that might be desired which are not the perfect will of God.  Israel denied God the place of King in the lives, in their nation.  God granted their desire to have a king as the other nations.  He continued to bless them according to their counsel.  But, the best could have been if they had kept God as their KING.  Sometimes our choices order our vision.  God removes the perfect plan and allows us to be blessed in our vision.  We can wonder however, what would the perfect plan have brought? Lazarus in the tomb brought tears.  Those a part of his life in the physical wept as they thought on their loss.  “Jesus wept.”  Those standing by said “How HE loved him…”  Yes God loves us.  Even in our error of making the wrong choice his love looms toward us.  But, tears alone did not bring Lazarus out of the tomb.  Only tears will not  bring our vision to pass.   Many tears have been shed.  People have wept, supplicated, lamented upon their beds.  They have cried upon shoulders.  Much tissue has been used and handkerchiefs soiled as men and women wept over their vision.  Tears and time mixed have caused the companies that make tissue to grow and prosper.  However, those using the tissue have spent money or have received the tissue from others only to see the name of companies in the stock market list soaring to the height of billionaire level.  Prosperity and prestige both are experienced by the board and stock holders while the tearful visionaries weep. What is it then?  While weeping and using the tissue remember the dollars that the companies make and you have spent while weeping.  Know this they are not weeping with you.  In fact they are happy evermore as those who have vision or the lack of vision weep for one reason or another.   There is another thing that must be done.    After weeping, Jesus went to work.   He commanded,  ‘Take away the stone.”  What stone is hindering your vision?   Your vision may be hidden or hindered by a stone. List your needs for your vision.  Include place, people and money.   Having vision is great.  Vision however, must have support.  You need IT(The Whole Armor of God, for your vision to survive.   Time will change.  People will appear and leave.  Your faith and trust must be in the living God.  His time and His season must be discerned.  Yet Even then warfare will be intense.  Satan knows that he has little time.  The war is on to destroy the Church and its purpose in the earth.  Any thing that is going to keep Satan from winning the war is under attack.  This includes the people who are used by the Holy Spirit to further the Kingdom of God.  Therefore, again, The Whole Armor is a must.  We need IT.   Following the instructions of Paul:  Read Ephesians 6:10-14.  This is our answer to a fruitful vision.  The whole armor which includes the “sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, will provide the protection needed when the winds of opposition and lack as well as persecution comes.  We need something straight from God. 



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An exhortation: Your place, Your  Destiny Your Reward In Christ
