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THE JUBILATOR-A Word For Your Day(Devotional)

THE JUBILATOR- A Word For Your Day!

A Word to Apostles: "Til the land".

October 4, 2011



International Gathering of Apostles and Prophets Network 

 Adam, the Apostle of Creation was given as mandate.  Even so is there a mandate, an assignment given to every divinely called Apostle.  To Adam was given the responsibility: “til the ground”.  Look at the word “til”. We find action, work, creativity, and authority. Adam’s rule on earth changed from being only an image to becoming the visionary and a maker.  Later, headship was given as head of a family; then head of a community; governor.

However, there is another thing about Adam.  When created Adam became to entities: male and female. “ Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.” Therefore, we see the female included in the first apostleship, with the mandate to “til the ground”. Tilling could not have been done without the female.  It took both for productivity.

Therefore, to the female Apostle we say, if it is your husband, your partner in the gospel, or another male which is godly; To the male Apostle, work with the female partner whether it sis your wife or another female which God has sent to work along side you for the furtherance of the ministry of Jesus Christ; follow the wisdom of the scriptures. “We then as workers together with Him…”  Then all that has been decreed can be realized in your apostleship.  God Bless!

Apostle Jean Morris

His Tabernacle Media





Tags: creation adam apostles god

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