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THE JUBILATOR-A Word For Your Day(Devotional)

THE JUBILATOR- A Word For Your Day!

And The Glory Revealed...

November 10, 2010



There is a sound from heaven that fills the hungry souls and quenches the thirst of the those in need.  That sound is ‘THE GLORY OF GOD REVEALED.  As saith the Holy Ghost again:  “And the GLORY of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” Isaiah 40:5Where sin abounds grace doth much more abound.  Sin has grown in the earth.  Therefore, the GLORY of the Lord grows the more.  The ALMIGHTY is exalted as never before.  Now across the globe the gospel of Jesus Christ goes forth.  The Word of the Lord is taught and preached.  Then there are signs to confirm the Word of God.  This lets us know that Jesus is coming soon.  The voice of the Holy Ghost in His people trumpets in the earth.  What are we to do now?  We are to seek HIM who sheds HIS GLORY upon those who seek HIM with the whole heart.  There must be no draw back.  We must run after HIM in this wilderness on  earth.  Worldly cares must be left behind.  Worry must be casted off.  There must be nothing that will hinder HIM from have freedom to do according to HIS DIVINE WILL.We hear of destiny.  Go after your destiny are the words of many who minister the Word of God,  Jesus has given us our destiny in HIS testament,  We are heirs with HIM.  The Spirit beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. And if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; …Rom. 8:16-17 

Furthermore, our inheritance is among them which are sanctified.  That is a holy inheritance.  We are set apart to worship, serve and exalt our HEAD.  Jesus, is the HEAD of the CHURCH.  When asked who will go for US?  Isaiah replied, “Here am I send me.”  What is your reply?  Will you go for yourself, the bishop, the organization or will you go for The GODHEAD?  And the GODHEAD is made perfect in CHRIST. 

Apostle Jean Morris

Copyright 2010   HIS TABERNACLE MEDIA 

(To Be Continued) 


Tags: bible study, deeper life, glory, holiness

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