CRUSADE FOR CHRISTIAN VOTES(WATCHERS) Jesus ordained watchers. His warning to the believers while on earth is to “WATCH”. Later, to John the same came, “WATCH”.Before the followers of Jesus was a person or order of great importance. According to Daniel they are ‘THE WATCHERS”.In Daniel ‘THE WATCHERS” are angels seemingly assigned to observe the events and happenings on earth. They watched the king and concluded that judgment was to fall on him. It can be said here that THE WATCHERS of heaven work with the providence of God. Most folk do not realize or care that we are watched. There is a record kept. Someone is evaluating us. Then it is very possible that the message to warn folk has been hampered through fear of man and disobedience to God. Those who are to sound the trumpet have exchanged the trumpet for a fork. Or their mouths are full of meat rather than the gospel. This too is a sign and contrary to the purpose of God for his highest creation, man. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion … male and female created he them”Genesis 1:27-28 Here we see delegated authority. God said…”have dominion over the fish of the sea…and over every living things that moveth upon the earth.” It can be concluded from this that celestial and terrestrial government is of God. There is such a thing as higher power. In fact except it was for the celestial power there could be no terrestrial. The terrestrial is based on the function of celestial; Each in its own order. All must be in its proper place. THE MOST POWERFUL MANMADE WATCHERS ARE ABOVE THE EARTH, SATTELITES. They are close enough to affect earth but far enough above not to be effected except by those whose control they are under. What is said here is THE POWERS OF GOD INHABIT THE CELESTIAL. WE MUST NOT BE OF THIS WORLD. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN ATTAIN TO ALL THAT GOD INTENDS FOR US. THAT IS, “In Christ we are far above all principalities and powers.” Apostle Jean Morris His Tabernacle
bible study, voting christians
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CHRISTIANS MUST VOTE All who name the name of Christ must vote. The Spirit of the antichrist is upon us. The persecution of the saints is happening now. There are documented events and laws that tell us we must step up and stop the onslaught of religious liberties that will eventually lead to the loss of other liberties The following is to enlighten those who enter these pages concerning the responsibility laid upon the believer in Jesus Christ. Every of election must have a greater presence and count of those who are godly in there lifestyle.
Those who are atheist, agnostic, self centered or of the and against all the Word of God stands for seek to infiltrate the U.S. government. Causing the demise of the plan for this nation as the main propagator of the gospel of Jesus Christ is there main goal. Some have gone so far as to set up camp in the center of the country as warriors in the spirit against all that is right and righteous. Gurus, wizards, witches, warlocks have camps centralized and open in different areas who chant, mediate and conjure demons who oppose the will of God. It is no wonder people, who live contrary to the Word have gained strength. But we have the answer. CHRISTIANS MUST VOTE.
Prayer must be made for all men. I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and, for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” I Timothy 2:1-2. Obedience to this scripture is insurance. It insures that the will of God will prosper regarding preaching and teaching the truth.
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bible study, voting christians
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