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THE JUBILATOR-A Word For Your Day(Devotional)

THE JUBILATOR- A Word For Your Day!


August 19, 2012


THE DEMISE OF A “RIGHT”.     “RIGHT” DEFINED: 18. a just claim or title, whether legal, prescriptive, or moral: You have a right to say what you please. 19. Sometimes, rights. that which is due to anyone by just claim, legal guarantees, moral principles, etc.: women's rights; Freedom of speech is a right of all Americans. 20. adherence or obedience to moral and legal principles and authority. 21. that which is morally, legally, or ethically proper: to know right from wrong. 22. a moral, ethical, or legal principle considered as an underlying cause of truth, justice, morality, or ethics. EXPAND 23. Sometimes, rights. the interest or ownership a person, group, or business has in property: He has a 50-percent right in a silver mine. The author controls the screen rights for the book. 24. the property itself or its value. 25. Finance . a. the privilege, usually preemptive, that accrues to the owners of the stock of a corporation to subscribe to additional shares of stock or securities convertible into stock at an advantageous price. b. Often, rights. the privilege of subscribing to a specified amount of a stock or bond issue, or the document certifying this privilege. 26. that which is in accord with fact, reason, propriety, the correct way of thinking, etc. 27. the state or quality or an instance of being correct.
  For our purposes the definitions above say the exact.  A “right”  is all that is stated. Far more,Is the right of all individuals to decide what they want.  Having reached adulthood, all peoples receive the right to travel.  Travel gives movement from one place to another.  Most people can travel in the physical except for incarceration.  All have moved at one time or another to another place if no more that one seat to another.  But, remember the right is not only what should be but in some cases it is what must be.  This is in order to preserve government as we know it in the U.S. What some forget is, if the people loose the right to speak, or the right to vote, if we can no longer choose our way and the way for our children, then we have entered the canal of death. Freedom isLife.  Jesus came for that purpose, that we might have life and that we might have it more abundantly.  Without a right, we are dead in some areas. Those who impose their will upon anyone are murderers of freedom.  This of course is in the lives of the adult person who is law abiding.  Without a “right”  we are dead.  Death of certain freedoms is sure to bring death to the economy we have enjoyed for centuries.  It will escalate the death of other libertiesKnown to us in the U.S. that  have fueled our talents.  What is it? Jesus said: “Watch and Pray.  We must watch so that The demise of a “right” necessary for the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom does not occur.  Recently, the Holy Spirit spoke a scripture:  The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.  The demise of a “right” will bring the judgment of God upon this nation which will be “hell” on earth for those who have propagated such death.  But, the people of God will prosper.  We shall flourish. Apostle Jean Morris        His Tabernacle Media Copyright 2012 


Tags: bible study, death, demise, government, politics, rught

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February 17, 2011



A subsidiary of Apostle Jean Morris Ministries“Have you not read that HE which made them at the beginning made them male and female,”  Matthew 19:4. There are some that say about there sexual preference, male with male, “God made me this way”.  The scriptures say something else.  Furthermore,  five translations of the Bible say the same thing.  “made them male and female”. In a court of law if two witnesses say the same thing the saying is established.  There are more regarding the Word of God.  Therefore, righteousness is established. It is right for a man to have a woman as a wife, and not another man.  The D.O.M.A. law is right. D.O.M.A. law defines marriage to be between a man and woman. Marriage should be between a man and woman ONLY.  STAND WITH THE WORD OF GOD AND BE BLESSED!.  PRAY FOR OUR  NATION & ITS LEADERS.Why our leaders need prayer:President Barack Obama's political platform included full repeal of DOMA.[20][21] On June 12, 2009, the Department of Justice issued a brief defending the constitutionality of DOMA in the case of Smelt v. United States of America in line with its longstanding practice… *PRAY FOR US.

 Apostle Jean Morris,

Chief Apostle, IGAPNI

His Tabernacle Media 2011    


Tags: bible, church, holiness, politics, state laws

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September 23, 2008

In what may be a medical first, doctors at Monash Medical Centre in Melbourne Australia successfully conducted surgery on an unborn child at a mere 22 weeks gestation, reports Australia’s The Age. Typically doctors will wait until at least 28 weeks gestation before conducting such ‘in utero’ surgery, said a representative from Monash according to AFP, due to the high risks involved both to the child and mother.When Australians Kylie and Terry Bowlen were told, eighteen weeks into Kylie’s pregnancy, that their baby girl suffered from a relatively rare condition known as Amniotic Band Syndrome (ABS), they did not know what to do.

“I was just thinking, ‘What have I done to deserve this? Have I done anything wrong?’” Kylie told The Age.

Amniotic Band Syndrome occurs when amniotic bands wrap around the unborn child, constricting blood flow to various parts of the child’s body. In the case of the Bowlen’s baby girl, Leah, the bands had wrapped around her legs. If the ABS had been left untreated, it could have led to her having her legs amputated after birth, or even to her death.

Tests revealed that, other than the bands wrapped around her legs, Leah was a perfectly healthy child. Her parents decided that, rather than running the risk of their daughter being crippled for life, they would risk ‘in utero’ surgery to remove the amniotic bands.

“It came down to knowing that the rest of Leah was pretty healthy and quite strong,” Mr Bowlen said. “Everything was fine, it was just these legs. We basically came to the conclusion that if she was born with bung legs we could cope with that.”

By the time Dr. Chris Kimber, the head of pediatric surgery at Monash, performed the surgery, using a tiny needle to enter the amniotic sack, and a laser to cut the amniotic bands, Leah’s legs were already in bad shape.

“The right leg was so bad that I did not want to touch it,” Chris Kimber, head of pediatric surgery at Monash said. “This foot was as close to dead as you could get, it was dangling on one tiny artery.”

However, surgery to remove the bands was successful, and after Leah was born at 30 weeks gestation, doctors were able to perform reconstructive surgery on her foot. Now doctors say that Leah should be able to walk on both feet.

Besides being a fascinating story from the viewpoint of the technological achievement demonstrated by the success of the surgery, the story of Leah Bowlen makes for an interesting study in the media.  Whereas mainstream media outlets typically refer to unborn children as “fetuses,” in line with leftist linguistic engineering that whitewashes personhood and humanity from any discussion of the unborn child, in the case of Leah all the major news sources spoke of Leah as an “unborn child,” and not as a fetus.

The extraordinary advancements of in utero surgery, including numerous moving and detailed photographs of such surgery, has proven to be a powerful tool for the pro-life movement in convincing the world of the unborn child’s inherent personhood and accompanying rights. One photograph in particular, by Michael Clancy, showing the hand of an unborn child reaching through an incision in the exposed uterus of the child’s mother, has gained worldwide notoriety and been widely used by the pro-life movement. In addition, the increasing number of children that are born significantly pre-term, and which have survived, have served to demonstrate that there is little to no difference between a child within the womb and a child that has been born. 

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"THE BLOOD OF THE POOR INNOCENTS" CRIES OUT,   No money from any source should go toward

ABORTION.    Think, before you decide who will lead the United States of America.  If who they stand with

supports the murder of the unborn then YOU as a follower of Jesus Christ need to do something else rather than

think about the economy.

Jesus taught us how to pray:  "Our Father..."  Saints will prosper regardless.  We are of the Kingdom of Heaven.



Tags: abortion, bible study, christians, murder of the unborn, politics, pro-life

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