A subsidiary of Apostle Jean Morris Ministries“Have you not read that HE which made them at the beginning made them male and female,” Matthew 19:4. There are some that say about there sexual preference, male with male, “God made me this way”. The scriptures say something else. Furthermore, five translations of the Bible say the same thing. “made them male and female”. In a court of law if two witnesses say the same thing the saying is established. There are more regarding the Word of God. Therefore, righteousness is established. It is right for a man to have a woman as a wife, and not another man. The D.O.M.A. law is right. D.O.M.A. law defines marriage to be between a man and woman. Marriage should be between a man and woman ONLY. STAND WITH THE WORD OF GOD AND BE BLESSED!. PRAY FOR OUR NATION & ITS LEADERS.Why our leaders need prayer:President Barack Obama's political platform included full repeal of DOMA.[20][21] On June 12, 2009, the Department of Justice issued a brief defending the constitutionality of DOMA in the case of Smelt v. United States of America in line with its longstanding practice… *PRAY FOR US.
Apostle Jean Morris, Chief Apostle, IGAPNI
His Tabernacle Media 2011
bible, church, holiness, politics, state laws
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