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THE JUBILATOR-A Word For Your Day(Devotional)

THE JUBILATOR- A Word For Your Day!


March 31, 2011


Write the vision.  Someone may say, I am not a writer.  Than do what others have done

even in scripture.  Jeremiah was told to write but, he had his assistant to actually do the writing.

Others in scripture were to write but, it was actually penned by another person.  Some of

Paul's letters were seeming dictated as someone else was the instrument for deliverfing

the words of  Paul.


It is said that Apostles dictated to John Mark in order for him to write the Gospel of Mark.  His gospel

is one that is an account of Jesus.  He did not walk with Jesus as an apostle.  So there are things

that could not be known except the information was given to him.  There are ways to get your message

and vision to others.


Volunteers will make themselves available if you make request known.  Or you may have the

financial ability to hire.  Then there is technology that can make it happen for you. However you decide

it must be done.   Also, time is short.  Do not wait too long.  Procrastination is an enemy to the Body

of Christ.  Things that are put off for tomorrow, important for souls to be saved or kept must

be done according to the dictates and the leadings of the Holy Spirit.


Knowing the terror of God, we warn men.  People must be warned.  The printed page is one of the

ways to warn them.   Regardless of how many ipads, iphones, etc.  there is someone still reading 

 books and magazines.  Someone still logs on to blogs such as this one;  WRITE..


Then there is a reward for obedience.  God will reward you.  Notwithstanding you can reward yourself

by formatting your writing so that it can be sold.  Remember, books are in print.  Someone will buy

your book.  God Bless You as you  WRITE YOUR VISION.

Apostle Jean Morris

His Tabernacle Media 2011 

Tags: apostles, bible study, holiness, writing

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